Books to keep you hooked #Fantasy_edition

Hello and welcome back to another Books to keep you hooked Fantasy edition post, which a series of posts about interesting books that I think everyone should try (whether you like it or not is another matter, but I really hope you’ll do)

If you’re a thrillers’ fan, check out the previous one all about it here!!

Ps. During the process of writing this post, I discovered that most of the fantasy books I’ve read are series. I’ll be linking to the first book of each one to avoid any confusion 😀….Also, this post will be regularly updated… 😉

Harry Potter series

I must admit that I’ve been a Potterhead since a young age so rereading this is like going back through time and revisiting old friends; it’s warm, nostalgic and just blissfully beautiful.I mean, the magical world is such a beautiful place to live in, even for just a few hours… If you haven’t read this series yet, give it a try ASAP!!

The books are about Harry Potter; the boy who lived, on his journey through the magical world and him being the one who will defeat Voldemort. The story itself is quite rich and has a lot of things to take in along with lessons to learn from.

Goodreads / *Amazon

Throne of Glass series

I’ve started this series for the first time last year and it’s quite BEAUTIFUL ,crucial as well, I haven’t finished it yet but omg! It’s really really gOOd!!

The first book is Throne of Glass but I suggest reading The Assassin’s Blade (the prequel) before starting with the series.

In the first book, Celaena Sardothien is offered her freedom on one condition; to act as the prince’s champion in a competition to find a new royal assassin. She must defeat her opponents then serve the kingdom for four years to be granted her freedom. But, as the contestants turn up dead one by one, it becomes harder and she must fight for her survival.

Goodreads / *Amazon

The lunar chronicles

I have yet to read this series but it”s on my mental read ASAP list. I love the covers, they’re quite attracting and the synopsis seems promising.

Cinder is the first book in the Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer.

*from Goodreads* Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . . Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai‘s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.

With high-stakes action and a smart, resourceful heroine, Cinder is a Cinderella retelling that is at once classic and strikingly original.

Goodreads / *Amazon

The Folk of The Air Series

The folk of the Air series by Holly Black is a really interesting and beautiful read. The thing about it however, is that you either enjoy it or hate it….I think.

This series is my only experience with Holly’s writing, but I’m planning to read her other books as well in the future. The only thing that was on the verge of making me DNF The Cruel Prince (the first book) was how slow and boring-ish the first part of the book was, it was so slow, nothing is happening. Basically, it was just a bunch of monotone-ish chapters.

However, I don’t regret completing it until the very last page and I completely love it!! I think it’s an intriguing read that you should try for yourself and see what you think.

Goodreads / *Amazon

Red Queen series

I haven’t read this one yet but a friend of mine did and she seems to like it. So, I’m pretty excited and a tiny bit afraid to read it …….hopefully, I will in the next few weeks and see if it’s that great!

From what I read about it, it’s about a world where people are divided by their blood; either red or silver. The silver are the rulers.

Mare is a 17 yo red girl who possesses a power so powerful and deathly that the silver rulers pretend that she’s a long lost silver princess,she’s engaged to the prince and at the same time, helping the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, bring down the silver regime.

Goodreads / *Amazon

The Great Devil War series

This series is quite an intriguing and unique one. The first book; The Devil’s Apprentice is about the very good boy Philip who was accidentally sent to Hell to become the Devil’s heir. The Devil is dying and in need of a successor but Philip is the wrong Boy, there’s been a mistake!! The Devil however has no other choice than to train Philip who is horrifyingly terrible at being bad to be a Devil.

I find this series to be extremely well-written and it’s just something you should try!!

Ps. You can read my review for book 1, book 2 here!

Goodreads / *Amazon

Hope you liked this post and if you know of any book(s) that I should have added here as well, comment it down below! …..Have you read any of those?! If yes, then what do you think? If no, will you?!?

*This post includes affiliate links so ,at no extra cost to you, I’ll earn a small commission if you purchased through it, Thank You!! ❤

3 thoughts on “Books to keep you hooked #Fantasy_edition”

    1. Oh yes, you should!! It would be great!!
      I mean…..whenever and if you wanted to 🙂
      I really hope you’ll like them tho fingers crossed, they’re one of my favorites 😀


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