Book Review: The Angel Of Evil (The Great Devil War #4)

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Ps. This post may contain some spoilers for the previous books (The Devil’s Apprentice and The Die Of Death and The Wrongful Death), so if you haven’t read them yet and would want to read them later, proceed with caution.

The Angel of Evil (The Great Devil War #4)

by Kenneth B. Andersen

Nothing will ever be the same. Satina is gone, kidnapped by the enemy. Disobeying Lucifer, Philip heads out to find her, journeying into the deep darkness of Outer Reach. But nothing can prepare Philip for the horror that awaits—or the demons he will face.

Meanwhile, Lucifer’s kingdom is threatened as the Great Devil War draws closer. All Hell is about to break loose.

The Angel of Evil is volume 4 of The Great Devil War series.

Goodreads / *Amazon

The Great Devil War is getting closer and things are getting more intense now. Satina is kidnapped, and Philip would stop at nothing to get her back.

Philip the good boy is now poof gOnE, and all that is left is the darkest side of him we’ve ever encountered so far. Neverthless, I think that was quite beneficial for him to get what he wants; revenge and Satina back.

This book is way MORE than the other ones! if you get what I mean…. The war is on the way and Aziel seems like he has a plan, but will work?! Will he win?!

There’s a lot of action and twists, which I quite like, I also like how it keeps me guessing and guessing until the very end, it’s the same with the other books too; you think of all sort of ideas that might happen, the end is always surprising though.

Surprisingly, even though by the end of reading this one I thought that was the end, I was far from right, there’s a fifth book review to be posted tomorrow, stay tuned!!

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